
Presentation Books

  • The only storage/display book of its kind! Accept no imitations!  Completely acid-free through its polypropylene, PVC-free construction and quality crafted, black acid-free mounting paper provided in each page. Archival safe for all your art storage needs.
  •  Great for storing photographs and film of all sizes.
  •  Top-loading, clear polypropylene sheets will not stick to copier toner and are also ideal for storing a vast array of artwork and memory projects.
  • 100% acid-free and archival safe
  • Durable polypropylene cover

  • Clear top-loading polypropylene pocket pages

  • A reversible spine insert; which allows for customized titling and organization

  • Thick gauge, acid-free black mounting paper

  • Inner cover pocket (included on most sizes) for quick-access storage

  • 24 sleeves for 48 views

  • Note: These albums will not accept refill pages.